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5 Week Baby Massage Courses

To promote a nurturing bond between you and your baby.


Courses are suitable for babies from 6 weeks of age to pre-crawling.


Each class is 1hr long and includes time for you to enjoy a drink, a treat and get to know other parents on the course.

Baby Massage
Baby Massage

Why learn baby massage?
For Your Baby and For You


For Your Baby: Develops communication and trust between baby and their carer which helps to improve bonding and attachment.


For You: Becoming a parent can be a steep learning curve. Our classes are a safe and intimate space where you can socialise with other carers with babies of a similar age.

A mother looking at her baby after a Baby Massage class


For Your Baby: Each week, you will learn a massage sequence for a new area of your baby's body, building up to a whole body massage in week 5. Baby massage stimulates a baby's internal systems, such as digestive and nervous, and if practiced regularly, will lead to a better overall well-being for baby.


For You: Build confidence as you learn baby massage techniques, knowing that you are giving your baby the best possible start in life with their development.

Baby Massage


For Your Baby: Baby massage can help to alleviate symptoms of common baby ailments, such as gas and colic, constipation, growing pains, tension, teething discomfort and nasal congestion.


For You: Develop the knowledge and skills to soothe your baby through massage in times of need.

A parent massaging their baby's feet


For Your Baby and For You: Massage releases the 'feel good' or 'love' hormone, oxytocin. This hormone is reported to support relaxation, the feeling of calm and reduce stress and anxiety for both baby and the carer performing the massage.


Parents also report that baby massage may also contribute to improved sleep patterns.

A baby asleep after a Baby Massage class
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